I want to compile a Haskell module to GHC Core, with optimisations applied, and use the resulting core output. However, when I use compileToCoreSimplified
it doesn't seem to run all the normal optimisations. Taking the program:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
module LensOpt(pick) where
import Control.Lens
data Record = Record {_field :: String}
field = lens _field $ \r x -> r{_field=x}
pick = Record "test" ^. field
When run through ghc -ddump-simple
I get the optimal output:
LensOpt.pick1 :: GHC.Prim.Addr#
LensOpt.pick1 = "test"#
pick :: String
pick = GHC.CString.unpackCString# LensOpt.pick1
However, when compiled using compileToCoreSimplified
I get the output:
s1 :: Addr#
s1 = "test"#
s2 :: [Char]
s2 = unpackCString# s1
s3 :: Record
s3 = Record s2
pick :: String
pick = case s3 of { Record ds -> ds }
I am invoking compileToCoreSimplified
import GHC
import GhcPlugins
import GHC.Paths
main = runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setTargets []
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
setSessionDynFlags dflags{hscTarget = HscNothing}
res <- compileToCoreSimplified "LensOpt.hs"
liftIO $ writeFile "lens_api.txt" $ showSDoc dflags $ ppr res
How do I drive the GHC API to apply the full optimisations?