
I'm working on an LCD controller in a Microblaze soft CPU I've embedded in an FPGA. To connect to the top level Verilog file's outputs, I've used a single 8bit GPO.

In my C, I've used placeholder variables for each bit I'm controlling, for example:

LcdDataBus = (cmd & 0xF0);  //Send higher nibble
LCD_RS = 0;
LCD_RW = 0;
LCD_EN = 1;

If I were programming a PIC, I could simply define each as a pin on the uC, i.e. #define LCD_RS PORTA,0.

However, I believe I can only access the port through a function

data = XIOModule_Initialize(&gpo, XPAR_IOMODULE_0_DEVICE_ID);
data = XIOModule_Start(&gpo);

Where data is some variable.

Is there a way I could #define a single bit in data, so LCD_RS = bit0, LCD_RW = bit1, LCD_E = bit3, and my LCD data bus could be the next four bits?

Bitwise shifts and OR operations is one way to go. And don't forget to use only unsigned data types.Some programmer dude
You could do it in a structHenricus V.
If you have written the LCD Verilog you could add the bit-set and bit-clear operations in there.Oldfart

2 Answers


As you want a very precise defined way of bit control, the safest way is to use read-modify-write.

volatile uint32_t *reg_address;
uint32_t data;
   data  = *reg_address;
   data |= (1<<LCD_RS_BIT_POS); // Set bit 
   // data &= ~(1<<LCD_RS_BIT_POS); // Clear bit 
   *reg_address = data;

Alternative is to add bit-set/bit clear address locations to you LCD port register map (This is Verilog code):

if (cpu_select && cpu_write)
  case (cpu_address[4:2])
  3'h0 : lcd_reg <= cpu_wdata[7:0]; // Direct write
  3'h1 : lcd_reg <= lcd_reg  |  cpu_wdata[7:0]; // set bit(s) write
  3'h2 : lcd_reg <= lcd_reg  & ~cpu_wdata[7:0]; // Clear bit(s) write

You asked for setting more bits.
A basic approach is to clear all the bits you want to change, then set them again with the desired values.

For example: You have a 4 bit value (bits 4,5,6,7) a R/W bit (2) plus an address bit (0). You turn those into a mask: 0b11110101.

   // Write to LCD
   data  = *reg_address;
   data &= ~0xF5; // Clear all the bits
   if (address==1)
     data |= (data_nibble<<4) | (1<<LCD_WRT_BIT_POS)  |(1<<LCD_ADR_BIT_POS) ; 
   else // Address 0 
     data |= (data_nibble<<4) | (1<<LCD_WRT_BIT_POS); 
   *reg_address = data;

In your case you probably only need to control the 'E' signal separately. And you know that it should start low.The whole procedure becomes simpler:

   uint32_t data;

   // Set the data, R/Wnot and RS all at the same time 
   if (write_data)
      data = nibble_data<<4; // R/Wn=0, RS=0. E=0
   else // Write command 
      data = nibble_data<<4 | (1<<RS_BIT_POS); // R/Wn=0, RS=1, E=0
   *reg_address = data;

   // Pulse E high and low:
   *reg_address = data | (1<<E_BIT_POS); // E high
   some_kind_of_wait_routine(); // Wait a while

   *reg_address = data; // E low 
   some_kind_of_wait_routine();  // Wait a while to guarantee minimum low time!

For a read you do not need to set the data but you must set the Read line high. However the LCD display can be operated without reading.


You can create a bitfields within a struct:

typedef struct {
  Uint32 LCD_RS : 1, /* 1 is the size in bit */
         LCD_RW : 1,
         LCD_E  : 1,
         bus    : 4
                : 15;
} data;