I'm trying to color code arrows based on their direction using geom_path in ggplot2. I have multiple years of data in individual rows and want an arrow pointing from the earliest data point to the most recent, with color depicting the direction to make it even easier to interpret. The points are grouped by Lake_ID, and because there are multiple rows for each year I'm having trouble.
Here's the basic data:
Lake_ID Year Gear psd BioVolume
16 2012 EF 0.370967742 0.095585695
16 2012 GN 1 0.095585695
16 2012 TN 0 0.095585695
16 2012 Whole 0.375 0.095585695
16 2017 EF 0.214285714 0.100623115
16 2017 GN 1 0.100623115
16 2017 TN 0 0.100623115
16 2017 Whole 0.179487179 0.100623115
facet_grid(Gear~.,scales = "free_y")+
labs(title="Bluegill PSD",y="PSD",x="Littoral BioVolume")+