I have a problem where my computed properties (that basically just calls a store getter with an id) does not get re-computed when the store changes. Anyone know why?
Product computed (isInCart is the relavant one, the other just show that state changes works)
isInCart() {
var isInCart = this.$store.getters['shoppingCart/isInCart'](this.product.id);
return isInCart;
Vuex store
const getters = {
count: state => state.items.length,
hasItems: state => !!state.items.length,
isInCart(state) {
return id => state.items.findIndex((item) => {
return item.productId === id;
}) > -1;
and state change is done by a mutation like this:
setCart(state, cart) {
state.items = cart.items;
The initial call to the getter works as expected. It's just that when the state is changed it is not ran again. The other getters "hasItem" and "count" work as expected.
I also tried in my component to put the function directly into the computed like so:
computed: {
isInCart(state) {
var id = this.product.id;
return !!state.shoppingCart.items.filter(item => item.productId === id).length
) - how would it map it? :) Also I don't clearly see the logic - you are basically calling a method (which is a getter) and you want to trigger the computed property when the store changes? What in the store can change here, as you are calling a method from this store? – Andrey PopovisInCart
is a computed property, right? I would think because of the dynamic getter as I said before - try simplifying it. Then I would suggest usingmapGetters
as described in the documentation. Then it would also be good if you watch for state changes and then call the getter, as it needs an argument and I'm not sure it can be reactive, because the argument can change as well :) – Andrey Popovcomputed: { ...mapGetters(['items']) }, watch: { items () { console.log('items updated') } }
– Andrey Popov