
In Excel, it is quite easy to filter rows based on a list from another sheet. But, Google Sheets does not have an advanced filter option. It therefore is not possible to filter a column by list range and criteria range in the same way that one would in Excel. So, how do you filter rows based on a list from another sheet in Google Sheets?

Worksheet to Be Filtered


Worksheet with Filter List

Filter List

Screenshots added.YoYoSoHo
After filtering, the sheet should not display any rows that contain values for farm_a OR farm_b that are not listed in the bottom sheet (via =customer!A2:A3).YoYoSoHo
Note: The sample sheet with the list contains only two values. Obviously, that would be easy to filter manually. So, assume both sheets contain many more rows than the samples (e.g. =customer!A2:A5000)YoYoSoHo
BTW: I tried =query(farm!A2:C7, "where A = customer!A2:A3 ",1) followed by =query(farm!A2:C7, "where B = customer!A2:A3 ",1). But, that did not work.YoYoSoHo

2 Answers

  • Select A1:C11
  • Create a Filter
  • Select A1 Filter dropdown
  • Custom Formula:

  • Both A2 and B2(HGFD and MNCD and all the respective rows below) are checked against customer!A$2:A$3. If A or B contain anything from the Customer list,It'll be shown. A2 and B2 are representative of the whole A and B column.

  • Alternatively,


This is the guide I used that worked for me in Excel:

  1. Select a blank cell next to the rows you want to filter, and enter this formula =COUNTIF(Sheet2!$A$2:$A$6, A2), and press Enter, then drag the auto fill handle down to apply this formula to the cells.

  2. Select the column including the formulas, and then click Data > Filter to apply Filter function.

  3. Click the Filter icon in the formula column, only check 1 in the drop down list.

  4. Click OK. Now the rows have been filter based on the list in Sheet2.