The scenario is the following: I have a java package (myapp.config) that contains all my JAXB-annotated classes, from which I'd like to generate an XML schema file. In the package, there is also a file, which contains the @XmlSchema annotation on the package element, thus valid in the whole package:
xmlns = @XmlNs(prefix="myapp", namespaceURI="http://myapp/config"),
package myapp.config;
When I run the schemagen command-line tool that comes with the JDK,
D:\Projects\Myapp>"%JAVA_HOME%/bin/schemagen" -cp "%JAVA_HOME%/lib/tools.jar"
I get the correct result: the root element in the generated schema1.xsd file contains the targetNamespace and other necessary attributes:
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0"
xmlns:xs="" >
However, when I want to perform the same task within my Ant script,
<schemagen srcdir="src/myapp/config" destdir="dist">
<include name="*.java"/>
The schemagen tool seems to completely ignore the namespace annotations, because in the resulting schema1.xsd file, there is no trace of them:
<xs:schema version="1.0" xmlns:xs="">
When I run the schemagen task in verbose and debug mode, it becomes obvious that the tool does load all the .java files, except, that's why it doesn't know anything about the namespaces.
Have you met this strange behavior before? Why the command-line tool processes the package info file, and the Ant task doesn't? What should I do to make the Ant task work?
Thanks in advance,