
When I log out and try to log back in again, it gives me the same error:

(An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO fos_user (username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, dn, code_utilisateur) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)’ with params [“riemann”, “riemann”, “[email protected]”, “[email protected]”, 1, null, “”, “2018-05-23 21:26:15”, null, null, “a:1:{i:0;s:9:\”ROLE_USER\”;}”, “uid=riemann,dc=example,dc=com”, null]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicata du champ ‘[email protected]’ pour la clef ‘UNIQ_957A6479A0D96FBF’)

As if it is trying to insert at the places to update the user.

i think your form action is register, but should be loginAndrew Vakhniuk
show us your template of login pageAndrew Vakhniuk
Hi there Jalal. Did you chain your providers exactly as per my Symfony AD Integration article and @Maks3w 's answer? He does the support for the bundle, so this is probably the correct answer. I based my tutorial on his support.Alvin Bunk

1 Answers


You need to change the order of the chain providers.

providers: [fos_userbundle, fr3d_ldapbundle]