
I have an app which uses the pretty old Picasa web albums data API (https://developers.google.com/picasa-web/). A few days ago (May 2018), Google released the new Google Photos Library API (https://developers.google.com/photos/library/guides/get-started) at Google I/O 2018. As of today (19 May 2018), the following endpoints still work in the Picasa API-

  1. List albums of user - https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default
  2. List photos in an album- https://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default/albumid/{albumId}

Will the old Picasa web albums data api still be supported in future? If no, is there any date decided as to when these API endpoints will be shutdown?

It seems like it's not possible to list user albums any longer? Have you found any solution to that problem? Thanks!Jón Trausti Arason
@raRaRa I am still able to list user albums. You can verify that it works here- developers.google.com/oauthplayground Just look for Picasa Web v2 from the list of APIs on this page.Shivam Saxena
Seems like it was a temp problemJón Trausti Arason

1 Answers


I found that using the Google API Javascript Library and easy way to achieve this using the following methods:

  • Listing Albums: gapi.client.photoslibrary.albumslist
  • Listing photos in an album: gapi.client.photoslibrary.mediaItems.search({"resource":{"albumId": }})

I found a migration guide on the Google Photos API homepage which explains this...after I had worked it out :-)