
Consider the following data structure, representing a tree with levels which increase but are not necessarily consecutive:

data MyTree (n :: T) where
    MyLeaf :: MyTree n
    MyNode :: Plus n m z => [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> MyTree n

where T represents the Peano numbers at the type level, defined as

class Plus (n :: T) (m :: T) (r :: T) | r n -> m
instance Plus 'Zero m m
instance Plus n m r => Plus ('Succ n) m ('Succ r)

It is pretty easy to construct trees like

myTreeOne :: MyTree ('Succ 'Zero)
myTreeOne = MyNode ([ MyLeaf ] :: [MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))])

myTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myTree = MyNode [ MyLeaf, myTreeOne ]


myLeafTwo :: MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))
myLeafTwo = MyLeaf

myOtherTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myOtherTree = MyNode [ myLeafTwo ]

Now I would like to define the following function:

myTreeComponents MyLeaf              = []
myTreeComponents (MyNode components) = components

which just extracts the list of immediate subnodes of the tree, but I'm not able to write it's correct type.

This is the error I get

    • Couldn't match expected type ‘p’                                                                                │
                  with actual type ‘[MyTree ('Succ z)]’                                                               │
        because type variable ‘z’ would escape its scope                                                              │
      This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by                                                                  │
        a pattern with constructor:                                                                                   │
          MyNode :: forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (z :: T).                                                                │
                    Plus n m z =>                                                                                     │
                    [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> MyTree n,                                                                   │
        in an equation for ‘myTreeComponents’                                                                         │
        at src/Model.hs:159:19-35                                                                                     │
    • In the expression: components                                                                                   │
      In an equation for ‘myTreeComponents’:                                                                          │
          myTreeComponents (MyNode components) = components                                                           │
    • Relevant bindings include                                                                                       │
        components :: [MyTree ('Succ z)] (bound at src/Model.hs:159:26)                                               │
        myTreeComponents :: MyTree n -> p (bound at src/Model.hs:158:1)                                               │
    |                                                                                                                 │
159 | myTreeComponents (MyNode components) = components                                                               │
    |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^

With dependent type languages it should be something like

exists m. Plus n m z => MyTree n -> [ MyTree ('Succ z) ]

Is it possible to write such a type in Haskell? Otherwise how should I write my function?

You need to define your own existential type using a custom data GADT. It will look as MyTree but only with the second constructor. It is very tricky, though, to extract m,z from the first type to use in the existential: probably, it would be easier if you can add a proxy to MyNode constructor. (This is quite painful. If Haskell had real dependent types, or better ambiguous types, it would be easier.)chi
thanks @chi, I'm sorry but I find it hard to follow what you are suggesting. Could you please elaborate a more detailed answer?marcosh
Before I wrote my comment, I spent some time trying a solution but it took longer than I expected, and I stopped half way.chi
@chi, adding a proxy shouldn't really be too bad. If it's marked strict, it will "unpack" to nothing. There's a GHC proposal to get a better story for binding existential type variables.dfeuer
@chi, see the proposal. I'm personally a bit concerned about what the ordering of all those type variables does to library APIs that aren't designed around those features.dfeuer

4 Answers


This is an adaptation of your code with a Proxy added, so to "remember" the number m.

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, 
    MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
    FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

import Data.Proxy

data T = Zero | Succ T

class Plus (n :: T) (m :: T) (z :: T) | n m -> z where

instance Plus n 'Zero n
instance Plus n m z => Plus n ('Succ m) ('Succ z)

data MyTree (n :: T) where
    MyLeaf :: MyTree n
    MyNode :: Plus n m z => ! (Proxy m) -> [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> MyTree n

myTreeOne :: MyTree ('Succ 'Zero)
myTreeOne = MyNode (Proxy :: Proxy 'Zero) ([ MyLeaf ] :: [MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))])

myTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myTree = MyNode (Proxy :: Proxy 'Zero) [ MyLeaf, myTreeOne ]

myLeafTwo :: MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))
myLeafTwo = MyLeaf

myOtherTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myOtherTree = MyNode (Proxy :: Proxy ('Succ 'Zero)) [ myLeafTwo ]

To be able to write the final function myTreeComponents, we need a custom existential type:

data Nodes (n :: T) where
    Nodes :: Plus n m z => ! (Proxy m) -> [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> Nodes n

This is essentially MyTree with only the second constructor. Finally, pattern matching now suffices.

myTreeComponents :: MyTree n -> Nodes n
myTreeComponents MyLeaf                = Nodes (Proxy :: Proxy 'Zero) []
myTreeComponents (MyNode p components) = Nodes p components

You can usually use CPS to encode existentials.

exists a. f a

can be represented as

(forall a. f a -> r) -> r

However, I don't think your

exists m. Plus n m z => MyTree n -> [ MyTree ('Succ z) ]

is the type you want. First, the exists is in the wrong place -- there does not exist a single global type m, but rather for each MyTree n there is a possibly distinct such m.

MyTree n -> exists m. Plus n m z => [ MyTree ('Succ z) ]

Here the caller gets to choose z, and, given evidence that n + m = z, can extract the list of children. That is consistent, but such evidence might be hard to come by. I think you actually want a double existential:

MyTree n -> exists m z. Plus n m z & [ MyTree ('Succ z) ]

and I'm using & as the dual to =>, a type which comes packed with a dictionary rather than requiring it as an argument.

type a & b = (Dict a, b)

So this says, for any tree at level n, there is some z >= n (witnessed by addition with m) such that there is a list of children at level 'Succ z. Yes, I think that's right. So now let's CPS encode it to:

MyTree n -> (forall m z. Plus n m z => [ MyTree ('Succ z) ] -> r) -> r

I like chi's fix, because using Proxys to store types is a nice trick to have under your belt. In his answer, the Proxy is used to disambiguate what m to use in the Plus n m z constraint when calling the Nodes constructor. (There's a Plus n m z constraint in scope at that point, but without the proxy, there's no way to tell the compiler to choose it.)

Besides Proxy, there's another way to fix ambiguous types: eliminate the ambiguous type. In this case, that's m. So, instead of a Plus n m z class, we'll have a LE n z class that has all the same instances but doesn't mention m anywhere. So:

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, 
    MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
    FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

data T = Zero | Succ T

class LE (n :: T) (z :: T)
instance LE 'Zero n
instance LE n z => LE ('Succ n) ('Succ z)

There's one wrinkle. In chi's answer, he uses a slightly modified definition of Plus that gives a Plus n 'Zero n instance for free, but in your formulation that's not available, and consequently LE n n does not come for free. So we'll have to decorate our leaves a little bit.

data MyTree (n :: T) where
    MyLeaf :: LE n n => MyTree n
    MyNode :: LE n z => [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> MyTree n

All the concrete trees are just as they were before (no extra Proxy needed).

myTreeOne :: MyTree ('Succ 'Zero)
myTreeOne = MyNode [ MyLeaf :: MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) ]

myTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myTree = MyNode [ MyLeaf, myTreeOne ]

myLeafTwo :: MyTree ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))
myLeafTwo = MyLeaf

myOtherTree :: MyTree 'Zero
myOtherTree = MyNode [ myLeafTwo ]

And the only difference in myTreeComponents compared to chi's answer (besides erasing the Proxy) is that we need to bring a type variable into scope for use in the body.

data Nodes (n :: T) where
    Nodes :: LE n z => [MyTree ('Succ z)] -> Nodes n

myTreeComponents :: forall n. MyTree n -> Nodes n
myTreeComponents MyLeaf              = Nodes ([] :: [MyTree ('Succ n)])
myTreeComponents (MyNode components) = Nodes components

something like (I don't know if such type allowed, and cannot check it now)

MyNode n -> forall z .Plus n m z => [MyTree ('Succ z)]

z type is not exposed so it is allowed to be any. If z's type were exposed by myTreeComponents, the caller could specify a concrete type for it, which it must not be able to do