I would like to share a complete 3-Step tutorial to sync your calendar account with Linux.
Note: This will also sync your email to evolution, after the tutorial just open evolution and refresh the mailbox - you must have email sync enable on Online Accounts.
This tutorial will even work with personalized enterprise domain in office 365.
STEP 1) Install evolution-ews on your Linux
Debian and derivated:
sudo apt-get install evolution-ews
or just
sudo apt install evolution-ews
on newer versions.
Fedora and Derivated:
sudo yum install evolution-ews
sudo dnf install evolution-ews
on newer versions.
STEP 2) On Online Accounts select Microsoft Exchange:
Fill up the email and password fields with your Office 365 info (the rest will be filled automatically).
STEP 3) Replace Server field with:
and copy the email field content into username field.
Here is how it should look like: