I am running a VM in google cloud that runs a Jenkins server (within a docker container). I am trying to build a Docker image for my application and push it out to Google Container Registry using Jenkins pipeline.
I installed all the required Jenkins plugins: Google OAuth Credentials Plugin, Docker Pipeline Plugin, Google Container Registry Auth Plugin
Created a service account + key with Storage Admin and Object Viewer roles. Downloaded the json file.
Created a credential in Jenkins using the google project name as the id and the json key.
My pipeline code for build looks like this:
stage('Build Image') { app = docker.build("<gcp-project-id>/<myproject>") }
My pipeline code for build looks like this:
stage('Push Image') { docker.withRegistry('https://us.gcr.io', 'gcr:<gcp-project-id>') { app.push("${commit_id}") app.push("latest") }
However, the build fails at the last step with this error:
unauthorized: You don't have the needed permissions to perform this operation, and you may have invalid credentials. To authenticate your request, follow the steps in: https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authentication
I have spent several hours trying to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated!