So my problem is that when a game ends, it throws the game into a new screen (called "EndState") where I drew title "Game Over" and an ImageButton called "Restart", so the background and player and everything else is the same as in the previous Screen, but frozen. When I click my restart button, it moves 10px below (pressing effect, implemented using pressedOffsetY), but I see the same button BEHIND it, the only way I found to solve this problem is to draw something all over the screen before drawing the Stage with this button, but this way I lose my player image and everything else from the previous screen.
I draw ImageButton using Stage (because it's clickable) this way :
public class EndState implements Screen {
private Game endGame;
private Texture gameOver, restartBtnTexture; // textures of title and button
private SpriteBatch batch;
private ImageButton restartImgButton; // ImageButton
private Drawable drawable; //drawable, to store the image and then use it in Style
private Stage stage; //the stage which will contain button
private ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle style; // Style
public EndState(final Game game) {
this.endGame = game; //I receive game state from the previous state
gameOver = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("GameOver.png"));
restartBtnTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("Buttons/Button_1.png"));
drawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(restartBtnTexture));
batch = new SpriteBatch();
style = new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle(); // creating style
style.imageUp = drawable; 9
style.pressedOffsetY = -10; // when I press the button I move 10px below
restartImgButton = new ImageButton(style); // creating the button and assigning the Style
restartImgButton.setBounds( / 2 - ( / 4), * 4/8, / 2, / 7); // size and position
stage = new Stage(); // creating stage
stage.addActor(restartImgButton); //adding button to the stage
restartImgButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {
endGame.setScreen(new PlayState(endGame));
public void show() {
public void render(float delta) {
batch.draw(gameOver, / 2 - ( * 2/6), * 6/8, * 2/3, / 3); // drawing Game Over
stage.draw(); // drawing restart Button