I have a procedure which is being called at server side and I need to make it asynchronous.
So I have created another proc in which I'll create Oracle'Job and this will call that proc in its job_action. Proc is:
PROCEDURE upload_csv_file_data(a_what_to_do IN VARCHAR2,
a_logon_user IN VARCHAR2,
a_csv_data IN CLOB)
v_job_action VARCHAR2(32676);
/*v_log_error VARCHAR2(32676);*/
v_job_name VARCHAR2(100);
v_job_action := 'process_csv_file_data(''' || a_what_to_do || ''',''' || a_logon_user || ''',' || a_csv_data || ');';
v_job_name := 'UPLOAD_CSV_FILE_DATA';
job_name => v_job_name,
job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
job_action => 'begin ' || v_job_action || ' EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; end;',
start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP,
job_class => 'BATCH_CLASS',
comments => 'Start uplaoding CSV file data.',
auto_drop => TRUE,
enabled => TRUE);
Proc which needs to be called IN JOB is:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE process_csv_file_data(a_what_to_do IN VARCHAR2,
a_logon_user IN VARCHAR2,
a_csv_data IN CLOB)
But since one of the passing parameters for this PROC is CLOB hence whenever I'm trying to call is PROC using in JOB it throws an error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error".
As job_action datatype is of VARCHAR2(4000); and hence the moment CLOB datatype is dynamically passed while calling the proc in the Job action it throws an error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error"
Kindly suggest on this. (can we pass the parameters using bind variables?)