
I am trying to get a track's metadata from Last.fm web api. I tried getting the details using the track name and track artists and it worked. But to get more accurate results I wanted to use a song's MusicBrainzId(mbid) to get the details.

last.fm api's documentaion for reference

Now I am using the following GET request to get a json response


But I am getting an error response i.e.

{"error":6,"message":"Track not found","links":[]}

As I understood from the api documentation we can use mbid instead of track and artist params. Its not working for me. Please help me on this.

The MBId you reference as an example is of the artist (Cher) herself, but the documentation states that you needed to use the MBId for a specific track. If you used the other MBId on the documentation page, or one like 189002e7-3285-4e2e-92a3-7f6c30d407a2 (courtesy of [musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Identifier](MusicBrainz)), does the problem persist?Martijn
Okay I got it, I was using a wrong mbid.nick.tdr

1 Answers


That mbid is for an artist, Cher

That API is for getting information about tracks, not artists

Try, for example http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=track.getInfo&api_key=INSERT_API_KEY&format=json&mbid=251f6d72-a1d9-4b9d-944a-2df9b26f6212

or http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getTopTracks&api_key=INSERT_API_KEY&format=json&mbid=bfcc6d75-a6a5-4bc6-8282-47aec8531818