Currently MS Word only allows for the insertion of 1 mail merge field at a time. I am looking for a VBA code that would allow me to insert all merge fields into a Word doc at once and/or a code that would input a mail merge field where the name of the same mail merge text appears in the doc.
For the second possibility I have found the following code that allows the user to convert text that matches a mail merge name into a mail merge field one at a time ( ). I am dealing with a data source that contains thousands of mail merge fields so ideally I would want to do this for all of them at once or create a loop or something similar.
Sub MakeMergeField()
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:= _
"MERGEFIELD """ + Selection.Text + """, PreserveFormatting:=True"
End Sub