
I'm encountering a really strange issue with the Jira Rest API - whever I try to create an issue using a POST request or update one with a PUT request to jira/rest/api/latest/issue/ I receive Error code 400 from Python 2.7 requests but it succeeds from Powershell's Invoke Web Request.

However I'm able to pull information from the Jira server using GET requests, including:

  • The list of Projects
  • The list of IssueTypes
  • The list of Custom Fields
  • The Issues of a given type for a given project
  • The Zephyr Plugin's Test Executions
  • The Zephyr Plugin's Test Cycles

I've tried a number of troubleshooting suggestions from similar topics from the Atlassian support site already:

  • I've verified that the Authorisation is correct (it's also required for the GET requests which all work)
  • I'm testing with an account that has administrator level access to the Jira instance
  • I've stripped the json back to just the fields and format matching the REST API documentation here: jira-rest-api-examples/#creating-an-issue-examples
  • I've ensured that all the relevant session cookie and header data is stored and added to the follw-up requests
  • I've verified through Issue/createmeta that I have the capabilities to create that issue type (and as I pointed out earlier - it works in Powershell)
  • I've tried using Issuetype name and id as well as project key and id as the identifier, neither one changes anything
  • I've even tried both omitting and including the trailing slash on the /issue path in case that was important
  • I've verified that it's not a case of Python's user-agent being blocked for POST/PUT requests

Json Body (Raw):

{"fields": {"issuetype": {"id": "10702"}, "project": {"id": "10061"}, "description": "Execution for Issue: SDBX-859", "summary": "Execution for Issue: SDBX-859"}}

(Formatted for Legibility):

    "fields": {
        "issuetype": {
            "id": "10702"
        "project": {
            "id": "10061"
        "description": "Execution for Issue: SDBX-859",
        "summary": "Execution for Issue: SDBX-859"

The process flow starts with this class:

class Migrator(object):
    RestURLs = {
        "projects": "api/latest/project",
        "issuetype": "api/latest/issuetype",
        "fields": "api/latest/field",
        "tests": "api/latest/search?maxResults={limit}&expand=meta&jql=IssueType='{testType}'+and+project={projectKey}",
        "zSteps": "zapi/latest/teststep/{issueId}",
        "zExecutions": "zapi/latest/zql/executeSearch?zqlQuery=project={projectKey}",
        "zCycles": "zapi/latest/cycle?projectId={projectId}",
        "issue": "api/latest/issue/{issueKey}",
        "xSteps": "raven/1.0/api/test/{issueKey}/step/{stepId}",
        "xSet": "raven/1.0/api/testset/{issueKey}/test",
        "xExecution": "raven/1.0/api/testexec/{issueKey}/test"

    CustomFields = {
        "Zephyr Teststep": "",
        "Manual Test Steps": "",
        "Test Type": ""

    IssueNames = {
        "zephyr":"Zephyr - Test",
        "set":"Test Set",
        "execution":"Test Execution"
    IssueTypes = {}

def __init__(self):
    self.results = []
    print("new Migrator initialised")
    self.restHandler = RestHandler()
    self.baseURL = ""
    self.authentication = ""
    self.commonHeaders = {}
    self.projectList = []
    self.project = None
    self.testList = []
    self.executionList = {}
    self.versionList = set()
    self.cycleList = {}
    self.setList = []

def connect(self, username, password, serverUrl=""):
    # 1 - connect to jira
    if serverUrl[-1] != '/':
        serverUrl += '/'
    self.baseURL = str.format("{0}jira/rest/", serverUrl)
    self.authentication = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(username + ":" + password)
    self.commonHeaders = {"Authorization": self.authentication}

    print("Connecting to Server: " + self.baseURL)
    headers = self.commonHeaders
    projList = self.restHandler.perform(method=HTTP.GET,url=self.baseURL,path=Migrator.RestURLs["projects"],headers=headers)

    # 2 - populate projects list
    for projDict in projList:

from this method:

    def migrateExecutions(self, project):
        print "working..."
        for execution in self.executionList:
            # Restricting it only to my issues for testing...
            if execution.assigneeUserName == "boydnic":
                headers = self.commonHeaders
                execData = {"fields":{}}
                execData["fields"]["issuetype"] = {"id":self.IssueTypes[self.IssueNames["execution"]].id}
                execData["fields"]["project"] = {"id":project.id}
#                execData["fields"]["reporter"] = {"name": userName}
#                execData["fields"]["assignee"] = {"name": execution.assigneeUserName}
                execData["fields"]["summary"] = "Execution for Issue: " + execution.issueKey
                execData["fields"]["description"] = execution.comment if execution.comment else execData["fields"]["summary"]

                xrayExec = self.createIssue(execData)
                self.results.append(self.restHandler.perform(method=HTTP.POST, url=self.baseURL,
                                         path=self.RestURLs["xExecution"], urlData={"issueKey":xrayExec.key},
                                         headers=headers, body={"add":[execution.issueKey]}))

to this Method:

def createIssue(self, issueTemplate):
    result = self.restHandler.perform(method=HTTP.POST, url=self.baseURL, path=Migrator.RestURLs["issue"], urlData={"issueKey":""}, headers=self.commonHeaders, body=issueTemplate)
    issue = Issue()
    issue.id = result["id"]
    issue.key = result["key"]
    issue.self = result["self"]
    print("Created Issue: "+issue.key)
    return issue

Which itself calls this class:

class RestHandler(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.headerStore = {'X-CITNET-USER':"",
        self.cookieJar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()

    def perform(self, method, url, path, headers={}, urlData={"projectId": "", "projectKey": "", "issueId": "", "issueKey": ""},
                formData=dict(), body=""):
        resultData = "{}"
        path = url + path.format(**urlData)
        body = body if isinstance(body, str) else json.dumps(body)
        if self.headerStore:
        jar = self.cookieJar
        if method is HTTP.GET:
            resultData = requests.get(path, headers=headers, cookies = jar)
        elif method is HTTP.POST:
            print (body)
            path = path.rstrip('/')
            resultData = requests.post(path, json=body, headers=headers, cookies = jar)
        elif method is HTTP.PUT:
            print (body)
            resultData = requests.put(path, json=body, headers=headers, cookies = jar)
        elif method is HTTP.DELETE:
            request = "DELETE request to " + path
            raise TypeError
        print("\n\n===============================\nRest Call Debugging\n===============================")
        print("\n\n===============================\n/Rest Call Debugging\n==============================")
        if 199 < resultData.status_code < 300:
            for hKey, hValue in resultData.headers.iteritems():
                if hKey in self.headerStore.keys():
                    self.headerStore[hKey] = hValue
            print "testing breakpoint"
            return json.loads(resultData.content)
            raise IOError(resultData.reason)

The Debugging Section included in the Rest Handler class just spits out the following:

Rest Call Debugging
{'X-AUSERNAME': 'boydnic', 'X-AREQUESTID': '<redacted>', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Set-Cookie': 'crowd.token_key=""; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:10 GMT; Path=/; HttpOnly, crowd.token_key=<redacted>; Path=/; HttpOnly, JSESSIONID=<redacted>; Path=/CITnet/jira; HttpOnly, atlassian.xsrf.token=<redacted>; Path=/CITnet/jira', 'X-Seraph-LoginReason': 'OUT, OK', 'X-ASEN': '<redacted>', 'X-CITNET-USER': 'boydnic', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'X-ASESSIONID': '<redacted>', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store, no-transform, proxy-revalidate', 'Date': 'Tue, 24 Apr 2018 08:29:16 GMT', 'Server': 'Apache-Coyote/1.1', 'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'}
{"errorMessages":["Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class com.atlassian.jira.rest.v2.issue.IssueUpdateBean] from JSON String; no single-String constructor/factory method"]}

/Rest Call Debugging

With this I/O error intermingled with it:

(I disentangled the STD and ERR streams for this post)

Traceback (most recent call last):   File
"C:/Users/BOYDnic/Documents/migrator/issueMigrator.py", line 546, in
<module> <Response [400]>
      File "C:/Users/BOYDnic/Documents/migrator/issueMigrator.py", line 330, in migrate
    self.migrateExecutions(project)   File "C:/Users/BOYDnic/Documents/migrator/issueMigrator.py", line 475, in
    xrayExec = self.createIssue(execData)   File "C:/Users/BOYDnic/Documents/migrator/issueMigrator.py", line 334, in
    result = self.restHandler.perform(method=HTTP.POST, url=self.baseURL, path=Migrator.RestURLs["issue"],
urlData={"issueKey":""}, headers=self.commonHeaders,
body=issueTemplate)   File
"C:/Users/BOYDnic/Documents/migrator/issueMigrator.py", line 84, in
    raise IOError(resultData.reason) IOError: Bad Request

I'm getting incredibly frustrated by this, not least because it's blocking the completion of this migration script and seems to make no sense.

Could you past the raw http request which fails?ZZ ll

2 Answers


Jira returns errors like "Can not instantiate value of type ..." when the request body is incorrectly formatted. In your case, you provided a string where Jira expects a more complex content (typically a dict).


It turned out that it was my use of json.dumps(body) in combination with put(..., json=body, ...) causing the issue.

Using the json keyword tells Requests to serialize the string again, escaping the " marks to \" and wrapping it in quotes again.


{"fields": {"issuetype": {"id": 10702},"project": {"id":10061},"description": "","summary": "Execution for Issue: SDBX-859"}}


"{\"fields\": {\"issuetype\": {\"id\": \"10702\"}, \"project\": {\"id\": \"10061\"}, \"description\": \"Execution for Issue: SDBX-859\", \"summary\": \"Execution for Issue: SDBX-859\"}}"

Use body=json.dumps({...}) with a manually set content header or json={...} not both.