I installed Neo4j Desktop using: "neo4j-desktop-offline-1.0.22-setup.exe". The computer has Java 10 with a server folder: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.1\bin\server" The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.1"
Steps to Reproduce Error
Start Neo4j Desktop [for the first time].
Neo4j Desktop displays status messages, ending with: "Getting ready, please wait" and "Preparing Graph Apps". [An independent test on a non-work computer showed that Neo4j Desktop is trying to create a directory called ".Neo4jDesktop" in the Windows user profile directory. It contains 343 MB of files.]
Neo4j Desktop displays this error message:
"Initialization error: Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write"
(The above is the exact error message, character-for-character.)
- Neo4j Desktop freezes, and I got an email from the company's network:
"You have exceeded 100% of the quota threshhold for your PND folder on (Drive H:). The quota limit is 750.00 MB, and 749.97 MB currently is in use (99% of limit)."
- On closing Neo4j Desktop, it releases the space.
In our company, the [Windows user profile directory, including the] "My Documents" folder, is mapped to a server folder rather than the local drive. I cannot control that or get a larger space allocation. How can I get Neo4j Desktop to install its graph apps [in the ".Neo4jDesktop" folder] to the local drive, which has 70 GB free?
This is my first question. I ask the community to create a Neo4j Desktop tag. Neo4j Desktop is new with Neo4j 3.3.5. It is the developers’ mission control console for the Neo4j environment and graph analytics.