As Mark said:
If you ignore the security implications of allowing anyone to access
MQ resources
I suggest you learn how to properly do MQ security as it is REALLY easy. You can use the groups the users are already in or create new groups and add just those particular UserIds to it. Please do NOT put non-MQAdmin UserIds in the 'mqm' group. Bad security, very bad security.
Lets say you have a bunch of queues that begin with 'ABC' and the support team needs full access to. You can create a group called 'abc_rw' (allow read/write) and put all UserIds that need full permission. Hence, the setmqaut commands would be:
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -t qmgr -g abc_rw +connect +inq +dsp
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -n ABC.** -t queue -g abc_rw +allmqi +dsp
where {QM_NAME} is the name of your queue manager.
The 1st line sets the permission for the group 'abc_rw' to access the queue manager.
The 2nd line gives the group 'abc_rw' access to all queues that begin with 'ABC.'.
That's it. Its just that easy. Don't forget to issue the REFRESH SECURITY command after you issue any setmqaut commands.
Now if the user uses a tool that lists the queues of a queue manager then you will need to give them permission to do that. Again it is easy.
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -n SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE -t queue -g abc_rw +put +inq +dsp
setmqaut -m {QM_NAME} -n SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE -t queue -g abc_rw +get +inq +dsp
The 1st line gives the group 'abc_rw' permission to put messages to the command queue which the MQ tool does to request the list of queues.
The 2nd line gives the group 'abc_rw' access to use the model queue to create a temporary dynamic queue which is where the MQ tool will read the reply messages from.