I have simple, large CSV file, with no headers, of the structure:
name1, name2
name3, name4
name2, name4
I'm trying to import it all to Neo4J and create the relationships at the same time. First I've added the constraint CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (u:User) ASSERT u.name IS UNIQUE
and then I ran:
LOAD CSV FROM '${file}' AS line
WITH line LIMIT 50000
MERGE (u:User {name: line[0]})-[:connected_to]->(q:User {name: line[1]})
The graph I get are just connected pairs. I cannot find a single node that has more than one relationship (even though many nodes appear many times in both the left and right columns). Also, I expected to see some clusters.
Clearly I'm doing something wrong with my insertion. I assume I can run down the file twice and create all nodes and then create all relationships, but I feel like I'm missing something simple that can do it all in one operation.
Correction: Had one of the property names as 'number' - they are both 'name'.
node with all of the others attached. I did addtrim()
to each name in the name matches so it would remove the leading spaces after the comma if indeed there are any. – Dave Bennett