Hi We are in the process of Migrationg MQ8.0.0.7 with Linux OS. We have created QueueManager. Also Created switch load file with oraClient switch file config in qm.ini file.
Switch file created usiing -- IBM MQ8.0.0.7 and oraClient
But When we try to start up the queue manager we are getting below error
04/10/2018 08:15:07 AM - Process(32092.1) User(mqm) Program(amqzxma0) Host(lswttsccsap5u) Installation(Installation1) VRMF( QMgr(NYCOLI2_QM.UATIN)
AMQ6175: The system could not dynamically load the shared library '/var/mqm/exits64/oraswit'. The system returned error message '/var/mqm/exits64/oraswit: undefined symbol: xaosw'.
EXPLANATION: This message applies to UNIX systems. The shared library '/var/mqm/exits64/oraswit' failed to load correctly due to a problem with the library. ACTION: Check the file access permissions and that the file has not been corrupted.
----- amqxufnx.c : 1436 -------------------------------------------------------
04/10/2018 08:15:07 AM - Process(32092.1) User(mqm) Program(amqzxma0) Host(lswttsccsap5u) Installation(Installation1) VRMF( QMgr(NYCOLI2_QM.UATIN)
AMQ7622: WebSphere MQ could not load the XA switch load file for resource manager 'Oracle_CMXIUAT_AIX'.
qm.ini file Stanza
Could you please advise?