Im here to ask if it's possible to fully use youtube data api v3 with angular 2+, the documentation just have examples from javascript like authentication, playlist videos, insert a playlist and search of videos (samples)
I'm trying to upload a video, using parameter like:
(gapi.client as any).youtube.videos.insert({
"resource": {
// Video title and description
"snippet": {
"title": "Test",
"description": "Test video upload via YouTube API"
"status": {
"privacyStatus": "private"
"part": "snippet,status,id",
"media": {
"body": video
My problem is that even like this, it always return error 404 : "The request does not include the video content.", documentation says the videos needs to be video/* or application/octet-stream, and my video object is a File extended from Blob.
What could i'm possibly doing wrong? If it's the video file, what I have to do to work?
PS: "(gapi.client as any).youtube" has this any, because youtube is not a property from the interface, its loaded.