There was a similar thread for this they used the bellow code, and they used the IOS library found here:
//Upload to Azure Blob Storage with help of SAS
func uploadBlobSAS(container: String, sas: String, blockname: String, fromfile: String ){
// If using a SAS token, fill it in here. If using Shared Key access, comment out the following line.
var containerURL = "\(container)\(sas)" //here we have to append sas string: + sas
print("containerURL with SAS: \(containerURL) ")
var container : AZSCloudBlobContainer
var error: NSError?
container = AZSCloudBlobContainer(url: NSURL(string: containerURL)! as URL, error: &error)
if ((error) != nil) {
print("Error in creating blob container object. Error code = %ld, error domain = %@, error userinfo = %@", error!.code, error!.domain, error!.userInfo);
else {
let blob = container.blockBlobReference(fromName: blockname)
blob.uploadFromFile(withPath: fromfile, completionHandler: {(NSError) -> Void in
NSLog("Ok, uploaded !")