Managed to do that using the Azure CLI and jq
(install it first). That's the same call Azure portal does when doing the preview. So, I've added the Azure CLI task and then:
echo Phase One changes
az rest -m post -u{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/<your_rg>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<your_webapp_name>/slots/<slot_name>/slotsdiffs?api-version=2016-08-01 --body {\"targetSlot\":\"production\"} | jq -r "[.value[].properties | select(.diffRule == \"SlotSettingsMissing\") | .description ] | join(\";\")"
echo Phase Two changes
az rest -m post -u{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/<your_rg>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<your_webapp_name>/slots/<slot_name>/slotsdiffs?api-version=2016-08-01 --body {\"targetSlot\":\"production\"} | jq -r "[.value[].properties | select(.diffRule != \"SlotSettingsMissing\") | .description ] | join(\";\")"
Note, that the {subscriptionId}
will be substituted so no need to do it manually. Other parameters in <>
should be provided anyhow.