
I am accessing database using Maybe and my goal is to call the network if Maybe will complete indicating that there is no data in database (I am using room). I have following functions:

public Observable<List<Item>> getResults() {
    return getResultsFromDatabase().toObservable().switchIfEmpty(getResultsFromNetwork());

public Observable<List<Item>> getResultsFromNetwork() {
    System.out.println("getting results from network");
    return api.getData().doOnNext(new Consumer<List<Item>>() {
        public void accept(List<Item> items) throws Exception {

public Maybe<List<Item>> getResultsFromDatabase() {
    System.out.println("getting coins from database");
    return itemDao.getAllItems();

However, the switchIfEmpty works a little unexpectedly, as it is always called, even though there are objects in database.

return getResultsFromDatabase().toObservable().switchIfEmpty(getResultsFromNetwork());
  1. Is it possible to transform Maybe into Observable using only toObservable()?
  2. Is there another way to check if Maybe will be empty and then act upon it?

2 Answers


Use Single instead of Maybe. Because when there are no rows in db, Maybe will be completed directly without calling error. But Single will result in onError with EmptyResultSetException when there are no rows. We can then use Rx's power to return the data from network call. Here's how:

First change your itemDao.getAllItems() to return Single<List<Item>>. Then change getResultsFromDatabase() to return Single as well like:

public Single<List<Item>> getResultsFromDatabase() {
    System.out.println("getting coins from database");
    return itemDao.getAllItems();

Now you need to use onErrorResumeNext in order to return the data from network call, so change the getResults() to:

public Observable<List<Item>> getResults () {
            return getResultsFromDatabase()
                    .onErrorResumeNext(new ObservableSource<List<Item>>() {
                        public void subscribe(io.reactivex.Observer<? super List<Item>> observer) {

Isn't the reason why getResultsFromNetwork is called that you are passing its return value to switchIfEmpty, rather than its reference?

I would change it to e.g.


and see if it helps