We have a couple of functions in a function app. Two of them are triggered by a timer, do some processing and write to queues to trigger other functions.
They normally work very well until recently where the timer trigger just stopped triggering. We fixed this by restarting the application which resolved the issue. The problem is that we were completely unaware of the trigger stopping as there were no failures and the function app is not constantly 'looked at' by our people.
I'd like to configure automatic monitoring and alerting for this special case. I configured Application Insights for the function app and tried to write an alert which watches the count metric of the functions which are triggered by a timer. If the metric is below the set threshold (below 1 in the last 5 minutes) the alert should be triggered.
I tested this by just stopping the function app. My reasoning behind this was that a function app that does not run should fullfill this condition and should trigger an alert within a reasonable time frame. Unfortunately this was not the case. Apparently a non-existing count is not measured and the alert will never be triggered.
Did someone else experience a similar problem and has a way to work around this?