
This is the error message : @firebase/firestore: Firestore (4.12.1): Could not reach Firestore backend

I am building a web app and it was working fine today and after a couple of login / logouts , I started receiving this error message. I have initialized the firestore config again and the problem persists. same error message was being thrown with firestore 4.11.0 version.

Did you find the solution? I have the same errorLucky_girl
In my app , I had implemented phoneAuth for login and due to multiple login/logout attempts for testing, firebase threw that error. I then logged in with a different number and it was working. For development , I now use a disposable phone number .shikhar
I also have the same error, I'm trying to connect to a database that I already connect with firebase with another app, but the new one has this problem even though most of the code is the sameFrancisco Peters
Are you using angular?Moaz Khan

1 Answers


For future viewers, this error occurs when the Firebase SDK is unable to reach the Cloud Firestore service for a variety of reasons. We've since moved from Beta to General Availability for the service and SDKs and made several improvements since this was first asked.

A prime reason for this error is network connectivity where we cannot get a response from the service in a reasonable timeframe and then revert to offline mode (if enabled).

Another possible reason in Javascript libraries/frameworks are messing with functionality we rely upon in a now compatible way.

If you continue to encounter this issue and don't believe it's network connectivity relate, post a question on our discussion group or as a Github issue against the relevant client library.