I need to call a function expecting an array of Integer
, but I have my values in a variable of type Variant
, containing the array.
Do I really have to copy the values in a loop? I couldn't find a better way that works.
The same variant can also hold a single Integer
instead of the array, so I created a helper function allowing both (checking with VarIsArray
). It works, but it is just lengthy and not nice :)
TIntegerArray = array of Integer;
function VarToArrayInt(const V: Variant): TIntegerArray;
I: Integer;
if VarIsArray(V) then begin
SetLength(Result, VarArrayHighBound(V, 1) + 1);
for I:= 0 to High(Result) do Result[I]:= V[I];
end else begin
SetLength(Result, 1);
Result[0]:= V;
I'm using Delphi 10.2.2 and the function to be called cannot be changed and looks like this:
function Work(Otherparameters; const AParams: array of Integer): Boolean;