I want to create a layer based keyboard using AutoHotkey. Basicly, I want to achieve what shift already does: modify each key when a modifier is used.
I want to improve regular shift in the following:
- press modifier once: only change layer for next character
- hold modifier: change layer as long as modifier is down
- press modifier twice: enter layer mode, like capslock. (end by another press)
Modifiers: LAlt, RAlt, LControl, RControl (CapsLock, Shift)
How cas I accomplish this?
what I found so far on stackoverflow: This code allows for shift to be pressed and released for the next character
SendInput, {LShift Down} ; press shift
Input, Key, L1 M V ; wait for input character
If GetKeyState("LShift", "P") ; if shift still pressed, wait for release
KeyWait, LShift
SendInput, {LShift Up} ; send input with shift down, the shift up
this code turns a double shift press into CapsLock
KeyWait, CapsLock ; wait to be released
KeyWait, CapsLock, D T0.2 ; and pressed again within 0.2 seconds
if ErrorLevel
else if (A_PriorKey = "CapsLock")
SetCapsLockState, % GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") ? "Off" : "On"
#If, GetKeyState("CapsLock", "P") ; hotkeys go below
But I am not experienced enough with AHK to bring this together. My goal is to have something like
; code that makes the modifier behave like expected: single press, hold, double press
#If, GetKeyState("Modifier", "P") ; List of key remaps in specific layer
I hope this is specific enough and that you can help me out here.