I am new to SSIS, and I cannot quite get this to work. I have two tasks in my Control Flow. The first is an Execute SQL Task that does 3 things. 1. Checks to see if a database exists. 2. Checks to see if a table exists in that database. 3. If the table does not exist, it creates the table.
Then I have a Data Flow task that loads data from an excel spreadsheet into the table created from the Execute SQL Task.
If I execute each task separately, everything works fine. The table is created if necessary, and the data is loaded.
If I execute the package as a whole, I get an error, because the table doesn't exist. How do I get the Execute SQL Task to create the table THEN perform the Data Flow task to load the data from the excel spreadsheet?
I've included a link to my control flow, if that helps. https://i.stack.imgur.com/Z7dlX.png
Here is the SQL that is executed.
use master
[enter image description here][1]if exists (select 1 from sys.sysdatabases where name = '001101_sisdb')
use [001101_sisdb]
if not exists (select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'productivity_core_expense_ratio')
create table productivity_core_expense_ratio (
fiscal_year int
,ipeds_code nvarchar(6)
,school_name nvarchar(150)
,instruction float
,academic_support float
,student_services float
,public_service float
,research float
,institutional_support float
,num_core_expense float
,den_core_expense float
,core_expense_ratio float