
I have created a HDI cluster and its associated storage account using Azure CLI 2.0 and ARM template.

Now I want to the delete the cluster using Azure CLI 2.0. But I don't find command option to delete it.

In Azure CLI 1.0 , I will delete a cluster using the following:-

azure hdinsight cluster delete <Cluster Name>

How can I delete a cluster using Azure CLi 2.0?


2 Answers


According to azure documentation -

Azure CLI 2.0 does not support deleting HDInsight clusters at this time (October 23, 2017).

Have you explored doing cluster creation and delete using powershell instead?


Currently, Azure CLI 2.0 does not support HDInsight clusters.

But if you only want to delete a HDI cluster, it is possible. You could use like below:

az resource delete --ids /subscriptions/{subscription Id}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup Name}/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/{cluster name}?

In fact, Azure CLI 2.0 is using Azure rest API, you could use --debug to check it. You could check HID rest API in this link. You also could use az resource create to create a HDI cluster if you want.