I made an angular project, and I am using ngx-datatable.
Now I have a problem with ngx-datatable, so I would like to debug the code, but I am noob on how to do this.
I installed @swimlane ngxdatatable, and I am writing a row directly into the file, for example I wrote the following in the file : node_module/@swimlane/ngx-datatable/src/body.component.ts
I wrote a simple console.log("saaaaaaaaaa") on the nginit just to check if I can modify the source.
But the console log does not show it.
I think I need to deploy the update, but I don't know how.
To make the question more general, how can I modify an installed component via npm directly in my project?
i think i find the how to do :
- make a fork of the project
- clone the fork project
- modify the fork project locally (here i got a question, you can see belowe)
- build the fork project locally
- commit the modify
- use the new modify project and in case request a pull the the developer of the component.
what i need now is the undstanding to how debug the component, when i make ng serve and start the project i can debug all the example of the project but i can not debug the file of the component, file like body.component.ts etc. any idea on what i miss for debugging ? Naturally if i modify body.component.ts i can see my update to the code. but i not like to debug whit console.log so i like to use the browser debug plugin for this.