I am trying to execute an EXE file through my installation and this file should be installed if the related feature will be installed in the feature tree. I have two questions :
1-How to relate the Custom Action to this feature."The condition"
2- How I can include this exe file in the generated file. "This EXE File is a SQL Installation which I already made in WIX BOOTSTRAPPER "
and my code is
<Feature Id="SubFeature1" Title="SQL Installation" Level="1" >
<ComponentRef Id="SubComponent1"/>
<Feature Id="SubFeature2" Title="Second Subfeature" Level="1" >
<ComponentRef Id="SubComponent2"/>
<!-- <Condition Level="0">IISMAJORVERSION=""</Condition> -->
<CustomAction Id="CreateSQLINSTALLER" Directory="BMSS4_Installer"
Execute= "deferred" Impersonate="no" Return="ignore"
ExeCommand="[BMSS4_Installer]Sql_Installation_Test1.exe -install" />
<Custom Action="CreateSQLINSTALLER" Before="InstallFinalize"><![CDATA[(&SubFeature1)]]></Custom>
the Sql_Installation_Test1.exe is included in the main folder so BMSS4_Installer.. But is it right to use it direclty like that in Directory tag om CustomAction !!