
I am trying to set up an audio player for a website I am working on, and I keep running into this Error 2032. The .swf is located in my main folder along with my songlist file. The song files themselves are located in a subfolder called songs/

I am not sure what could be causing this, and any input would be helpful.

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        import mx.collections.ArrayList;
        import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
        import mx.controls.Alert;
        import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
        import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
        private var sound:Sound;                        // Mp3 File 
        private var soundChannel:SoundChannel;          // Reference to playing channel 
        private var pausePosition:Number;               // Current play position (time)
        private var percent:Number;                     // Current played percentage
        private var isPlaying:Boolean = false;          // Is the mp3 playing?
        private var isLoaded:Boolean = false;           // Is the mp3 loaded?
        //private var updateSeek:Timer = new Timer(500);    // Timer for updating the seek bar
        private var currentSong:String;
        private var index:int;
        private var start:Boolean = true;
        private var songs:Array;

        private function init():void {

        private function grabSongs():void{
            var theLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            var theRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("songlist.txt");
            theLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);

        private function loadComplete(theEvent:Event):void{
            songs = theEvent.target.data.split("\n");
            currentSong = songs[0];
            index = 0;

        private function playPause(e:Event = null):void  {
            // Song playing?
            if(isPlaying) {
                // Save the current position in the track, stop playback, change button icon
                pausePosition = soundChannel.position;
                this.btnPlay.label = "Play";
                // If the URL has been changed but not loaded, hide seekbar
                // Song is not playing?
            } else {
                if(!isLoaded) {
                    // If the song isn't loaded yet, set up a new sound load request
                    if(start == true){
                        start = false;
                    sound = new Sound();
                    sound.load(new URLRequest("songs/" + currentSong));
                    // Add an event listener to check for song load complete event
                    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, songLoaded);
                    this.btnPlay.label ="Pause";
                } else {
                    // The song IS loaded, so play it
                    soundChannel = sound.play(pausePosition);
                    this.btnPlay.label = "Pause";
            // Regardless of playing state, change it now to the opposite
            isPlaying = !isPlaying;

        private function songLoaded(e:Event):void {
            // Remove load event listener
            sound.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, songLoaded);

            // Play the song
            soundChannel = sound.play(0);               
            // Song is loaded
            isLoaded = true;

        private function prev(e:Event = null):void {
            if(start == false){
                if(index == 0){
                    index = songs.length - 1;
                currentSong = songs[index];
                isPlaying = true;
                isLoaded = false;

        private function next(e:Event = null):void {
            if(start == false){
                if(index == songs.length - 1){
                    index = 0;
                currentSong = songs[index];
                isPlaying = true;
                isLoaded = false;

        private function playNew(e:Event = null):void {
            sound = new Sound();
            sound.load(new URLRequest("songs/" + currentSong));
            // Add an event listener to check for song load complete event
            sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, songLoaded);
            this.btnPlay.label = "Pause";


<s:Button id="btnPrev" label="Previous" chromeColor="#000000" focusColor="#000000" color="#8D1111" enabled="true" click="{prev(event)}" height="20" width="80" x="0" y="0"/>
<s:Button id="btnPlay" label="Play" chromeColor="#000000" focusColor="#000000" color="#8D1111" enabled="true" click="{playPause(event)}" height="20" width="80" x="81" y="0"/>
<s:Button id="btnNext" label="Next" chromeColor="#000000" focusColor="#000000" color="#8D1111" enabled="true" click="{next(event)}" height="20" width="80" x="162" y="0"/>

This works locally on my laptop, but when I upload the swf it throws error 2032.



So the setup is exactly as FlexFiend answered, along with http://localhost/FlexStuff/songs/ I tried checking the log file of the flash debugger and this was my message:

Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://www.mywebsite.com/framework_4.0.0.14159.swf

I am very unfamiliar with what this means, but maybe its causing my problems?

do you have songlist.txt (and everything else) in the same folder as on local machine? which line causes error 2032: stream error and when?www0z0k
Hi Nick, welcome to SO. Feel free to edit your question to provide clarification. The answer fields should only be used for answers. I merged what you wrote as an answer into the bottom of your question.Tim Post♦

2 Answers


Verify the path of "songlist.txt" as being on the local server. If it is on a remote server, then you have to investigate cross-domain issues. But if that were the case, it wouldn't even try to read it but would instead let you know of the policy violation I assume.

The "songlist.txt" file should be in the same directory as the swf you are accessing on your server. i.e

http://localhost/FlexStuff/Swfalicious.html (the wrapper )
http://localhost/FlexStuff/Swfalicious.swf ( the actual swf file)

So the setup is exactly as FlexFiend answered, along with http://localhost/FlexStuff/songs/ I tried checking the log file of the flash debugger and this was my message:

Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://www.mywebsite.com/framework_4.0.0.14159.swf

I am very unfamiliar with what this means, but maybe its causing my problems?

The 'framework_4.0.0.14159.swf' was one of about 6 swf files that I apparently had to also upload to my server to get this swf file to work...which I did not think was necessary?? Once uploaded however it does work. This is really weird since I was under the impression I just had to upload the swf I created, not a bunch of helper files...