
I want to compare the value of a cell with all the cells before it and the range of previous cells depends on a condition.

For example, in the below image, I have two people Adam and James. I want to compare B2 with B1, then B3 with both B1 and B2 and so on. But when it comes to James, I want to compare B9 with B8, B10 with B8 and B9 but not with B1-B7, as they belong to Adam.

enter image description here

I've got the previous cell comparison logic working but not the Name condition (formula in column D). How can I do that?

Expected result:

enter image description here

Please create an example of what it should look like with the specified formulas, as it's not quite clear what you meanGalAbra
@GalAbra please see my edit showing the expected resultAnish

1 Answers


You need to us MAXIFS() if you have Office 365 Excel or AGGREGATE() if you have later than 2007 or and Array formula if prior to 2007.





Array formula


Being an Array formula is must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.

Edit, for all versions (IMHO BEST OPTION)

Or since your data is sorted you can use this formula:


enter image description here