I have been asked to solve a puzzle similar to the zebra puzzle using Prolog. Instead, I am trying to find the nationality of the individual who eats pie. I know there are differing solutions for the problem, however I am trying to solve the puzzle by using constraints and permutations. However, running the pie_eater predicate returns false and when tracing the code it does not stop running.
The list of constraints goes as follows:
1) the Irish person lives next to the yellow house
2) the person who likes donuts lives next to the person who enjoys embroidery
3) the person who enjoys trainspotting lives next to the one who likes pizza
4) the person who enjoys pachinko likes beets
5) the Czech lives in the purple house
6) the person living in the center house listens to grunge
7) the person who enjoys glassblowing listens to hip hop
8) the American likes tofu
9) the Dutch person listens to J-Pop
10) the pink house's owner listens to country
11) the owner of the green house enjoys embroidery
12) the Irish person lives in the first house
13) the pink house is on the left of the orange house
14) the Japanese person enjoys gardening
15) the person who enjoys trainspotting has a neighbor who listens to jazz
In my code, I have defined a list Street containing 5 houses. I then defined variables for each corresponding adjective for each element of the list to use for my permutation guesses. I translated each constraint into code. To generate the answer, I created permutations for each set of variables for each house. At the bottom, I defined predicates leftof and nextto in order to satisfy a some of the constraints of the problem.
The code goes as follows:
%who eats pie
pie_eater(PieEater) :-
member(house(PieEater, _, _, _, pie), X).
puzzle(Street) :-
Street = [H1, H2, H3, H4, H5], %street of 5 houses
%vars for permutation
H1 = house(Nat1, Col1, Mus1, Hob1, Food1),
H2 = house(Nat2, Col2, Mus2, Hob2, Food2),
H3 = house(Nat3, Col3, Mus3, Hob3, Food3),
H4 = house(Nat4, Col4, Mus4, Hob4, Food4),
H5 = house(Nat5, Col5, Mus5, Hob5, Food5),
% facts
nextto(house(irish, _, _, _, _), house(_, yellow, _, _, _), Street), %irish next to yellow house
nextto(house(_, _, _, _, donuts), house(_, _, _, embroidery, _), Street), %donut next to embrodier lover
nextto(house(_, _, _, trainspotting, _), house(_, _, _, _, pizza), Street), %trainspotting next to pizza ouse
member(house(_, _, _, pachinko, beets), Street), %pachinko person eats beets
member(house(czech, purple, _, _, _), Street), %czech person lives in purple house
[_, _, house(_, _, grunge, _, _), _, _] = Street, %middle house listens to grunge
member(house(_, _, hiphop, glassblowing, _), Street), %hiphop lover likes glassblowing
member(house(american, _, _, _, tofu), Street), %american likes tofu
member(house(dutch, _, jpop, _, _), Street), %dutch person likes jpop
member(house(_, pink, country, _, _), Street), %pink house person likes country music
member(house(_, green, _, embroidery, _), Street), %green house person likes embroidery
[house(irish, _, _, _, _), _, _, _, _] = Street, %irish person in first house
leftof(house(_, pink, _, _, _),house(_, orange, _, _, _), Street), %pink house left of orange house
member(house(japanese, _, _, gardening, _), Street), %japanese person likes gardening
member(house(_, _, jazz, trainspotting, _), Street), %trainspotting person likes jazz
member(house(_, _, _, _, pie), Street), %one person likes pie
%permutation guesses
permutation([irish, czech, american, dutch, japanese],[Nat1, Nat2, Nat3, Nat4, Nat5]), %nat permutations
permutation([yellow, purple, pink, green, orange],[Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5]), %color permutations
permutation([grunge, hiphop, jpop, country, jazz],[Mus1, Mus2, Mus3, Mus4, Mus5]), %music permutation
permutation([trainspotting, pachinko, glassblowing, embroidery, gardening],[Hob1, Hob2, Hob3, Hob4, Hob5]), %hobby permutation
permutation([donuts, beets, pizza, tofu, pie],[Food1, Food2, Food3, Food4, Food5]). %food permutation
%defining other predicates to help solve puzzle
nextto(X, Y, List) :- leftof(X, Y, List).
nextto(X, Y, List) :- leftof(Y, X, List).
%check if left of
leftof(L, R, [L,R|_]).
leftof(L, R, [_ | Rest]) :- leftof(L, R, Rest).
Staring at my code for hours, I feel as if it should work however, I still cannot figure out why I cannot generate a correct permutation given that I have defined all of the constraints. At this point I am stuck.
Doing the problem myself, I believe that the Japanese person is the answer.