I'm trying to display a simple "Email and password do not match" error on a login form, but am having trouble and not sure if where I've gone wrong is on the server or in my React app. I thought I'd post here as I'm unsure which github repo would be appropriate. Here's the resolver on the server:
// Schema definition:
type Mutation {
loginViewer(credentials: AUTH_CREDENTIALS): SignInPayload!
type SignInPayload {
token: String
expires: Int
requiresReset: Boolean
// Mapping the mutation to the resolver:
Mutation: {
loginViewer: loginViewerMutation,
// Resolver:
const loginViewerMutation = async (obj, args) => {
const { credentials } = args
const user = await User.findOne({ email })
if (!user) throw new GraphQLError('Email and password do not match')
const matches = await user.comparePassword(password)
if (!matches) throw new GraphQLError('Email and password do not match')
return createJWT(user)
Then, the mutation as it's called within my Login component:
const mutation = gql`
mutation LoginViewer($password: String!, $email: String!) {
loginViewer(credentials: { email: $email, password: $password }) {
export class Login extends React.Component {
handleLogin = (credentials) => {
.mutate({ variables: { ...credentials } })
.then(() => {
// ...
.catch((error) => {
// ...
render() {
// ...
export default graqphql(mutation)(Login)
Everything works as expected when I supply the correct information. When I don't, the error that is caught doesn't contain the GraphQLErrors.
I'm using the apollo-link-error middleware with the default setup: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/link/links/error.html
My console looks like this:
The expected authentication error is being returned, and logged from the middleware. But, in my Login component, the error.graphQLErrors array is empty.
Where might I be going wrong here?
It doesn't seem right to be returning a 500 Internal Server Error --- it's behaving exactly as I want it to. Am I implementing this incorrectly on the server?
How are the graphQLErrors getting 'lost' between the logging middleware and the .catch(error)?
to the resolver map or where you call it? β Tal Z