I was using gerrit for our code review in my previous company. When we were commit changes to gerrit, we use to write in comment as Closes: JIRA-1234
When this message post to gerrit, it shows link to JIRA issue, like Closes:
JIRA-1234. From git comment and git webpage, we can directly redirect to jira issue and we can change the workflow of that jira.
I joined new company, and they are not using gerrit. They have GitHub Enterprise setup. When I tried Closes: JIRA-1234
in git commit, it not shows the link.
When I contacted our github admin team and asked them, is there any specific settings I have to enable in our GitHub organization to enable this features, they inform, for some teams its working, for our team, its not working.
I tried to contact and enable this, but not able to enable that features.
Is there any way to check, why its working for some team ? or how can I enable that for our team?
I created JIRA OAuth application.
With this, I am able to see the branches and commits in JIRA Development
section. I get a link to GitHub from JIRA.
But reverse, like link from GitHub to JIRA was not there.