
I am using ODATA in my WebApi controller.

Id      ProductID   SubProductID    ProductName                       
1       111         NULL            Car       
2       111         666             Wheels    
3       111         777             Seats     
4       112         123             brakes    

https://localhost:30004/api/ProductManagement/Product?$filter=ProductName eq 'Car'

Car is the main Product and Wheels,Seats are subproducts.When I make above call it will retrieve 'Car' but my requirement is to get also sub products related to Car.

Car ProductID is 111 and Wheels,Seats ProductID is also 111.

So I am looking for a ODATA query where it will return Car and its subproducts.Something like below but I know only name of ProductName "Car" but not ProductID.

My requirement is to get a record with ProductName "Car" and use its ProductID "111" in the same call or query.

https://localhost:30004/api/ProductManagement/Product?$filter=ProductName eq 'Car' and ProductID = Product.ProductID

@TitianCernicova-Dragomir one Product will have mutiple SubProducts.reddy

1 Answers


To achieve required behavior, changed the table structure as below

 Id      ProductID   ParentProductID ProductName                       
 1       111         NULL            Car       
 2       666         111             Wheels    
 3       777         111             Seats     
 4       123         112             brakes 
 5       112         null            secondparent

Created primary key on productid and foreignkey on parentproductid referencing productid on same table.

So it created below class when I added entity model from DB

  public partial class ProductMangement
    public ProductMangement()
        this.ProductMangement1 = new HashSet<ProductMangement>();

    public int id { get; set; }
    public int productid { get; set; }
    public Nullable<int> subproductid { get; set; }
    public string productname { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<ProductMangement> ProductMangement1 { get; set; }
    public virtual ProductMangement ProductMangement2 { get; set; }

And using $expand,$filter in OData options as below


Got below JSON data
