
I'm new to SSAS and can you guide me I have Cube refresh fine no errors when checked cube last date update show todays date!

Also verified dim_DateTime dimension where ReportingPeriod field show all months include 2018-02 & 2017-12 till year 2020…but no data coming only for these two months when run below mdx

        Non Empty
         [Measures].[TotalCaseload] On Columns
        ,Non Empty
        on ROWS
         , [Dim_Team].[PbRInScopeTeam].&[1])

When exec stored proc for months expect ‘2017-12’ & ‘2018-02’ but throws error when pass parameter as '2018-02'

exec [SSRS].[ds_ParmPbRCaseloadTeam] '2018-01',1  refresh fine and gives data exec [SSRS].[ds_ParmPbRCaseloadTeam] '2018-02',1  throws below error

An error occurred while executing the query. A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'ExecuteOLAP': System.Exception: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. System.Exception: at OLAPExtensions.StoredProcedures.ExecuteOLAP(SqlString server, SqlString database, String MDX) . User transaction, if any, will be rolled back.

Not sure what I’m missing?

Probably will need to see the sproc code.Jacob H

1 Answers


I occasionally found that we could add data to our data source, process all tables, and still have it not show up in the model. We changed the processing option to 'Full', and that fixed the problem. I don't know if this will help with yours or not, though. Good luck!