
I am trying to perform a copy activity using Azure Data Factory V2 and configured source and sink properties, everything looks fine. When i executed the process, it fails with the below error. I tried with a different SFTP server but still getting same issue.

Please make sure Sftp server is not throttling ADF Service or Integration Runtime (Self-hosted)., Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary.SftpConnector,''Type=Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPathNotFoundException,Message=No such file,Source=Renci.SshNet,'


2 Answers


This is not due to the path or file not found but its due to the MaxSessions setting at SFTP server. I set this property in SFTP server and it works !!


The message is clear, "Path not found exception" and "No such file" means that when it builds the path with folderPath+fileName and tries to navigate to it, the path doesnt work. Try fixing that, at least its not an authentication issue.

Hope this helped!