
I am trying to create a chat bot with the bot framework and luis. The main question that I have is that I wanted to know if I could create an entity that would pick up on a certain pattern. For example, I a bunch of id codes structured in the same way. It starts with 'ESI-' than 6 numbers broken up into 3 numbers then a dash then the other 3 - '421-123'. So the codes will look like this 'ESI-421-123'. So is it possible to create an entity that will pick up on this feature or do I have to input every id code as part a of list entity.

Thank you

In general case, Luis should be able to learn patterns by some utterances, and we don't need to say all values to LUIS.OmG

1 Answers


is it possible to create an entity that will pick up on this feature or do I have to input every id code as part a of list entity.

For your scenario, creating a Simple entity is ok. I agree with OmG, you do not have to add all id codes. If you add some example utterances and label entity IdCode in utterances, and train your LUIS app, it should be able to recognize the user’s input id code as the corresponding entity.

In my test, the id code ESI-123-567 does not exist in example utterances, LUIS still can recognize it as entity IdCode.

enter image description here

The whitespace will be added beacuse the specific character - is used in id code, which might cause unexpected issue in your bot app, to solve it, you can try to use a regex to remove the whitespaces in your bot code, this SO thread:LUIS issues with special characters discussed about this issue, you can refer to it.


  • For detailed information of building a LUIS app, please refer to this article.
  • The section “When to use phrase lists instead of list entities” in this article, compare phrase lists with list entities, which can help us know when to use list entities.