
There is a chat project I plan to develop and currently stuck while deciding, which XMPP server and client to use. Front-end will be implemented using Ionic 3+ framework (fixed requirement).

Main features:

  • private chat capability (1 on 1)
  • group chat capability (and ability to add users to existing chat)
  • online status visibility
  • offline message delivery (online user sends a message to offline user, and the offline user gets it after going online, etc)
  • full-time server-side chat history storage

I need to select:

  • a client library which is convenient to implement with Ionic 3+
  • a server which enables all the above requirements

Also, the chat messages should cross the network with at least some kind of encryption.

Currently, I have been playing with these server options:

  • eJabberd - most people recommend this option, but for me, a person, who is newbie at XMPP stuff, it looks like there will be quite a lot of hassle with configuration
  • openFire - easy to setup and use, but it uses Java VM, and some people argue, that it has problems with performance and memory management.

I also stumbled upon AstraChat - a commercial product, that looks similar to what I need - however, with fixed implementation of it's own public apps - no way to use it's code base.

As of front-end - I have only tried running the Ionic 1 tutorial locally using Strophe.js as the client in the front-end. Since I am developing the app with Ionic 3+ (TypeSript), it would be awesome to use some newer and TS compatible library - however, it is just a wish, not a requirement. :)

Maybe there are some better and more convenient non-XMPP implementations for this concept. Any thoughts are welcome!

For "at least some kind of encryption" just use HTTPS, that encrypts the data during transit. You can up that by adding client certificate pinning. But there will be a real security problem with storing messages on your server for offline chat. Group chat adds more security issues as does authentication the users one to another. For a secure system look at Signal by Open Whisper Systems, it is open source. But still the security aspect is demanding.zaph
@zaph, thank you for the suggestions!serpaulius

1 Answers

  1. eJabbered is very complex decision for your application.
  2. openFire is also very complex and requires JVM

For your apllication I advise Prosody. It is simple and lightweight desicion.


But please think twice about using chat on XMPP protocol. This protocol is very difficult to learn and it has a variety of extensions(e. g. XEP) and you will be confused about documentation.

Alternative https://github.com/actorapp/actor-platform but documentation is obsolete.