Technology used - Angular 4,rxjs Trying to achieve - get the data from two different servers(json response),merge the data and show in the list by binding the list with observable array.
**Search component TS**
selector: 'word-search',
templateUrl: 'wordSearch.component.html',
export class WordSearchComponent {
term = new FormControl();
items: Observable<Array<string>>;
constructor(private wikipediaService: WikipediaService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.items = this.term.valueChanges
.switchMap(term =>;
*****Search component chtml*****
<input type="text" [formControl]="term"/>
<li *ngFor="let item of items|async ">{{item}}</li>
Service code - Problem is here
var wikipediaUrl = '';
var search = new URLSearchParams()
search.set('action', 'opensearch');
search.set('search', term);
search.set('format', 'json');
return this.jsonp
.get(wikipediaUrl, { search })
.map((request) => request.json()[1]).catch(this.handleError);
getItuneObserver(term: string)
var secondUrl = '';
var search = new URLSearchParams()
search.set('term', term);
search.set('format', 'json');
var ituneObserver = this.jsonp
.request(secondUrl, { search })
.map((request) => request.json() => {
return item.trackName + " " +item.collectionCensoredName+" " +item.artistName;
return ituneObserver;
search(term: string): Observable<any> {
var observer1= this.getItuneObserver(term);
var observer2= this.getWikipediaObserver(term);
return merge(observer1,observer2); ***//PROBLEM***
merge operator emit values twice , once for the first observer and then for the second observer. List will first show the first set and overwrite the older items with the new items. I want merge to emit all the data only once.Any Idea?