
I'm trying to get a Jekyll site on GitHub without having to locally install Jekyll, so I just browsed this list until I found a couple themes I liked and then tried forking them (I intend to edit and customize the files in the browser, without having to clone a local repository). But I keep getting a different version from what I fork.

For instance, I forked https://github.com/codeasashu/hcz-jekyll-blog, and from the live demo I expect it to look like this: enter image description here

However, right after forking (no changes made to files yet) I get this: enter image description here

The same happened with other themes. What's wrong?


1 Answers


Do check if the empty base URL has any link to what you see: codeasashu/hcz-jekyll-blog/blob/master/_config.yml.

Note that, according to issues/15, the gh_pages branch of that repo acts as a demo, not the master branch. In gh_pages branch, there is a baseurl.