Where i can find the configuration files for AWS EMR? Mainly I am looking for hue.ini file, I launched a new cluster, opened hue UI, created new super user and logged in. Then i see all my s3 buckets in that region, but i am not able access the files in the bucket, I keep getting this error -
Failed to access path: "s3a://data-storage" Check that you have access to read this bucket and that the region is correct: Bad Request.
Then i tried to add my s3 account to hue as per this - http://gethue.com/introducing-s3-support-in-hue/ . As per this AWS link - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ReleaseGuide/emr-configure-apps.html, I am trying to add it in the configurations in my cluster.
- As per the above AWS link, they say i have to add it only when i create the cluster, cant we add in an existing cluster? If so, where i can add it?
- How can i add the s3 configuration in Hue and hadoop with s3 in AWS configurations? Any example will be helpful.