I have tried to migrate some bots from the Bot Framework Portal (dev.botframework.com) to the Azure Bot Service but I keep getting the 'failed to find any Azure subscription for the current user.' message.
To give some context on this:
- I have an account for each environment - DEV, STAGING and PROD - and for each one of these accounts, I have a set of bots created with the Bot Framework Portal.
- I use my personal company account, [email protected], to create bots in the Bot Framework Portal to test and debug them locally.
- I use that same company account to access the Azure portal and manage the Web Apps, Functions, CosmosDB, APP Insights, etc. that are used on these bots.
- On the Azure AD, I have two Directories but only in one of them I have an Azure subscription
- My Access Control (IAM) level for the Azure Resource Gorups is a 'Contriburor' role and not an 'Owner' role
- All bots have been developed using the Bot Builder Node.js SDK
I have tried the following:
- I logged in using my DEV account in the Bot Framework Portal and added my personal company account as an Admin/Owner in a couple of bots.
- Logged out and logged in using my personal company account
- Click the 'Migrate' button but still got the same message
So, why I'm still getting that error message? Is because the process is trying to find an Azure subscription in the Azure AD directory that doesn't have a valid one? Is it because I'm a 'Contributor' and not 'Owner'?