I am trying to connect my NodeMCU ESP-12N to Azure IoT hub.
I have created client with code like this:
esp8266 = mqtt.Client(DEVICE, 240, USER, PASSWD)
and receiving error on calling esp8266:connect
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (init.lua:127: ssl not available)
When I previously have connect my Arduino, then it was important to flash Wi-Fi with SSL certificate. However I can't do it with NodeMCU (or more right to say - don't know how).
I can get certificates with:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ArduinoDemoHub.azure-devices.net:8883
When I have add (thank you @MarcelStör for hint, I have tried previously net.cert.verify)
I'v received another error:
Error Connecting: -5
UPDATE: There is another similar topic, and I have set time, but still without result.
UPDATE 2: Here are some links that I trying to use:
Use Azure IoT Hub without client libraries (MQTT)
Sending Device-to-Cloud (D2C) Messages
sankarcheppali gitHub with samples
Here is official Link Communicate with your IoT hub using the MQTT protocol that tells:
To use the MQTT protocol directly, your client must connect over TLS/SSL. Attempts to skip this will fail with connection errors.
This link also provides username that is different from old code samples: