I'm trying to use triggers on Neo4J to record in a CSV the details of a node or a relationship when it is deleted. After experimenting with different triggered queries I found that trying to write details of deleted relationships directly to a csv doesn't work, but creating a virtual node to record the relationship details and then writing the v-node to csv does. The query I used is this:
call apoc.trigger.add("deletingRels","UNWIND {deletedRelationships} as del WITH del call apoc.create.vNode(['Record'], {startUUID:startNode(del).uuid, endUUID:endNode(del).uuid, relType:type(del)}) YIELD node as r WITH r, collect(r) as rs,'D:/export/reldeltest.cql' as filename call apoc.when(size(rs) > 0,'call apoc.export.csv.data(rs,[],filename,{quotes:false,useTypes:false}) YIELD rows RETURN rows','',{rs:rs,filename:filename}) YIELD value RETURN value",{phase:"before"})
Running the query:
match (t:Test {name:"test 12"})-[r]->(s:Test {name:"test 7"}) delete r return t,s
deletes the relationship r and satisfyingly results in the following csv:
The analogous trigger for a deleted node is:
call apoc.trigger.add("deletingNodes", "UNWIND {deletedNodes} as del WITH del call apoc.create.vNode(['Record'], {uuid:del.uuid, nodeLabels:labels(del)}) YIELD node as r WITH r, collect(r) as rs,'D:/export/nodedeltest.cql' as filename call apoc.when(size(rs) > 0,'call apoc.export.csv.data(rs,[],filename,{quotes:false,useTypes:false}) YIELD rows RETURN rows','',{rs:rs,filename:filename}) YIELD value RETURN value", {phase:"before"})
Running a query to delete a node results in the following error message in the Neo4J browser:
and the error log in the console starts:
WARN Error executing trigger deletingNodes in phase before Node with id 1364 has been dele
ted in this transaction
org.neo4j.graphdb.QueryExecutionException: Node with id 1364 has been deleted in this transaction
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.query.QueryExecutionKernelException.asUserException(QueryExecutionKernelException.java:
Running a query to match the node shows that it still exists.
I'm running a zipped version of Neo4J 3.3.1 on Windows, with the apoc 3.3.1 plugin installed, in a console.
Can anyone help please?