I have a Spark dataframe with string data that I want to map to numeric data, as follows (simplistic version):
| participantUUID|001_Age|002_Gender|003_Where did you grow up|
|010A0550-4324-490...| 23| Female| In a town|
|031C5411-FE42-429...| 56| Male| In a town|
|038688FF-B5DA-484...| 32| Female| In a town|
|05F8E1AF-AFDD-441...| 54| Female| Multiple places|
|068B213C-3303-41E...| 23| Female| In a town|
|11A9A444-3E93-468...| 39| Female| In a town|
There are many columns so rather than applying the mapping column by column, I want to apply the mapping column-by-column across the whole dataframe.
The mapping from string to numeric varies depending on the column. For example, for one column the strings "poor", "fair", "good", "very good" would attract a score 1,2,3,4; for another column the scores might be 4,3,2,1. So, I thought of developing a udf which takes the column header and the string value as parameters and then apply a Foldleft function based on the dataframe columns, as follows:
val calculateScore = udf((columnName: String, answerText: String) => (columnName, answerText) match {
case ("002_Gender", "Female") => 0
case ("002_Gender", "Male") => 1
case ("002_Gender", "Other") => 2
case ("003_Where did you grow up", "In a village") => 0
case ("003_Where did you grow up", "In a town") => 1
case ("003_Where did you grow up", "Multiple places") => 2
case _ => -1
val columnNames = Seq("001_Age", "002_Gender", "003_Where did you grow up")
val newDF: DataFrame = columnNames.foldLeft(baseDF)(
(baseDF, c) =>
baseDF.withColumn(c.concat("_numeric"), calculateScore(baseDF(c), baseDF(c)))
However this is not returning the right result - all the results are showing as -1, which means the udf is not matching correctly:
| participantUUID|assessmentNumber|002_Gender|002_Gender_numeric|003_Where did you grow up|003_Where did you grow up_numeric|
|010A0550-4324-490...| 0| Female| -1| In a town| -1|
|031C5411-FE42-429...| 0| Male| -1| In a town| -1|
|038688FF-B5DA-484...| 0| Female| -1| In a town| -1|
|05F8E1AF-AFDD-441...| 0| Female| -1| Multiple places| -1|
|068B213C-3303-41E...| 0| Female| -1| In a town| -1|
I think it's due to the syntax of the calculateScore
udf statement, which should pick up the string column name and the answer text and return an int, evaluated row-by-row within the column. In other words, the foldLeft statement is of the format:
val newDF: DataFrame = columnNames.foldLeft[DataFrame](baseDF)(
(acc, c) =>
acc.withColumn(c, col(c))
so the calculateScore(baseDF(c), baseDF(c))
should return an object of type Column - but clearly something is going wrong.
Any ideas will be really appreciated, thanks!
NB. I have already reviewed: Apply UDF to multiple columns in Spark Dataframe but I didn't like the idea of using a var DF as this seems to me to violate the principles of immutable programming in Scala!