
I have this two dimensional array of objects

private Cell[,] mapCells = new Cell[10, 10];

and I want to check if a key value pair with the coordinates x = m and y = n exists in my array.

I go for this

        bool cellExists = index.x >= 0 && // check left
              index.y >= 0 && // check bottom
              index.x < mapCells.GetLength(0) && // check right
              index.y < mapCells.GetLength(1); // check top

So with this bool I check if the cell would be on the map or outside.

Is there a more elegant way to check this?


When checking this I get a movement direction like

  Vector2 dir = new Vector2(/* this can be
     (0,1) // up
     (0,-1) // down
     (-1,0) // left
     (1,0) // right

So I know which direction is given.

When I move right I don't need to check the left side I think.

I think, it's good enoughBacks
How do you define more elegant? It´s fairly opinion-based, isn´t it?HimBromBeere
@HimBromBeere: I think he means shorter or faster. I see not much possibilities in either direction.PMF
I edited my question maybe the new information will helppeterHasemann
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it´s a review asking for improvement to working code and thus should go to codereview.stackexchange.com.HimBromBeere

3 Answers


Well, you could hide it behind the extension method to make it looks more elegant.

public static class Extensions
    public static bool IsExist(this Cell[,] mapCells, Cell index)
        bool cellExists = index.x >= 0 &&
               index.y >= 0 &&
               index.x < mapCells.GetLength(0) &&
               index.y < mapCells.GetLength(1);

        return cellExists;

Call it like this


No, there's no other way to test this. The only optimization I can think of would be to cache the size, but you're not gaining much there.


Depends on what you mean by "elegant". You could do this (off the top of my head):

bool cellExists = Math.Min(mapCells.GetLength(0) - 1, Math.Abs(x)) == x 
                && Math.Min(mapCells.GetLength(1) - 1, Math.Abs(y)) == y

The idea is to first getting the absolute value of x or y, and then check if the minimum of that and the axis upper value results in x or y. If it does, you're good.

It's shorter, but readability is questionable. And I doubt it is any faster than your original solution.